Federal Correctional Institution
El Reno, OK
Installation of New Central Standby Generator, Phase I & II
Government Agency: Federal Bureau of Prisons
Contract Number:
Phase I – DJBP0507S9F70001
Phase II – 15B50718CT2K80001
Prime contractor: 100% self-performed
Completion Date:
Phase I – 12/05/2018
Phase II – 07/06/2020
Contract Amount:
Phase I – $2,144,538
Phase II – $2,407,678
Scope of Work
Phase I:
Complete new 55’ x 65’ metal building to house new standby generator. Building installation included concrete foundation, HVAC system, lighting, fire alarm, fire suppression system, detention doors, overhead doors, and metal louvers.
Provided new 3000A 15KV paralleling switchgear and control modifications with existing S&C switches.
Completed overcurrent protective device coordination studies as well as arc flash studies.
Installed approximately 700 linear feet of 15KV primary cables in duct bank.
Installed (2) manhole vaults.
Phase II:
Provided and installed new medium voltage 3000KW backup generator for the facility.
Complete installation of new 5KV switchgear.
Two (2) new 600KVAR 15KV capacitor banks.
New neutral ground resistor.
Coordinated with S&C to provide new 15KV switch.
Installed new exhaust ductwork for the generator.
Provided control dampers for the building louvers and integrated with the generator for complete automation.